Monday, July 12, 2010

Pet Waste Transmits Disease

I like to think I'm a nice person. But every time I have to pick up someone else's dog shit, I want to take that smelly slimy pet waste and smear it in their faces! Is that so wrong?!

I know the house is on a great street, perfect for walking dogs - but my yard is not a private dog park! What happened to common decency and respect?!

One more turd, and I'm placing my order...


  1. Look at it as free fertilizer to help all those trees and plants you just spent weeks ripping out grow back stronger than ever!

  2. ha could be worse. Steph's neighbors think her back yard is their personal landfill. People literally throw bags of trash into her backyard (over a concrete wall). Some people...

  3. i say take photos of the people with their dogs and be sure to let them know that you have done so. that should do the trick. and then maybe follow them for a block or so. this could be really fun!

  4. personally, I like the no dumping sign!That's one of the joys of home ownership...gratuitous dog poop. My dog has been dead for 4 years now....still picking it up:)
