Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Look away if easily offended . . .

Well it looks as though I have house guests - and unwelcomed ones at that. What you see below is... well, utterly vomit-inducing. The sight of these creepy crawlers scurrying across a floor or wall is enough to give anyone the shivers.

Apparently common during the summer (though I have NEVER lived in a house with them before), these House Centipedes have been presenting themselves at night - maybe one a night, or every other night.

Granted, this may not sound like a full-on infestation, but I'll be damned to not treat it as one.

I have sprayed every entry point with EcoSmart, I have purchased a dehumidifier for the basement, I have sprinkled Borax, and I have contracted an exterminator. I don't scare easily, but these little pre-historic, hard-shelled, multi-legged creatures from hell have me terrified. If I find anymore centipedes post-exterminator, I may just burn the place down.


  1. well fire might just be the thing that deals with them permanently. good call!

  2. dude, when i first read centipede, this is NOT what i was picturing

  3. You know we don't have these at 94 Tenth Street.

  4. ew ... mark ... ever since i looked at that picture now i can't get it out of my head. i keep imagining it everywhere. ahhh!

  5. They're called silverfish. Oh yes, they are slightly poisonous if you are bitten by them. Oh yes, they are disgusting.

    My basement was had a problem with them but they apparently love moisture and dark. Sticky bug traps laid around the walls will kill them.
