I've begun painting, and it's going... okay. I have quickly learned I am awful at painting ceilings! How do people paint ceilings and NOT show lines?! Incredible.
On a happier note, the whole family came up this past weekend (because they think I'm incompetent) and helped me paint the living room. Here's a sneak peak at the color, tape removed this morning!
The final bits and pieces of the spruce have been ground away. A bittersweet moment, but for the greater good. The amount of compliments I have received this week has been overwhelming, and the space seems so much more open. Looking forward to spring and putting a more appropriately-sized tree in its place!
Thank you to all who have made the trip to see the new place, and know that you're always welcome back "to the ranch" to see the progress! I feel so fortunate to have friends and family, near and far, to share the experience with.
And for the benefit of all of you readers, I promise to post more updates (maybe encouraging you to also visit?) ;-)
It's been too long since my last blog posting - but rest assured it's a direct result of progress at the ranch!
In big, neighborhood-changing news: our norway spruce is no longer taking over our house, our cars, or our lives. It lived a good life, but had unfortunately outgrown its location. And its sap has unfortunately coated our cars this month.