Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I say a little prayer...

...for my kitchen!

This gem has had its final day on the door. Don't be sad, it lived a good life.

"Bless my pretty kitchen lord
And light it with Thy Love.
Help me plan and cook my meals
From Thy heavenly home above.
Bless our meals with Thy Presence
And warm them with Thy grace;
Watch over me as I do my work,
Washing pots and pans and plates.
The service I am trying to do
Is to make my family content,
So bless my eager efforts Lord
And make them heaven sent."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tales from the underground . . .

Hey everyone - so much to update but so little time today!

That said, I want to offer two recent images from the house. Although it seems silly to share photos from the basement when I haven't shared any real images of the interior living space, here they are!

We ripped up the carpeting that was covering the basement stairs, only to find the stairs painted... well, red. Just like every other original surface of this house! Crazy...

And for those of you who have been eagerly awaiting photos of the mysterious Bobby Kennedy room.... here it is!

We have yet to decide what happened in this room, but here are the facts:

There was once a '60's refrigerator in this room
There is a built-in student desk attached to the wall
There are four wooden chairs arranged along the walls
This is the only "finished" space in the basement
That is, in fact, a picture of Bobby Kennedy on the wall
There was once a pad-lock on the door


Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So not all is awful at the ranch.

The centipedes have certainly put me in a funk, but I had some great visitors this week! Nieces, nephews, brothers, in-laws, mom...

Look away if easily offended . . .

Well it looks as though I have house guests - and unwelcomed ones at that. What you see below is... well, utterly vomit-inducing. The sight of these creepy crawlers scurrying across a floor or wall is enough to give anyone the shivers.

Apparently common during the summer (though I have NEVER lived in a house with them before), these House Centipedes have been presenting themselves at night - maybe one a night, or every other night.

Granted, this may not sound like a full-on infestation, but I'll be damned to not treat it as one.

I have sprayed every entry point with EcoSmart, I have purchased a dehumidifier for the basement, I have sprinkled Borax, and I have contracted an exterminator. I don't scare easily, but these little pre-historic, hard-shelled, multi-legged creatures from hell have me terrified. If I find anymore centipedes post-exterminator, I may just burn the place down.