Monday, November 28, 2011

Announcement: Rebirth Mondays start 11.28.2011

With the passing of another Thanksgiving, I have discovered one more thing to be thankful for: outspoken friends and family.

It has come to my attention that I am a complete slacker - a blog fraud, if you will. You're complaining about infrequent updates, unmentioned projects, empty promises of future posts, and the lingering photos from Hurricane Irene (Jen).

Well I'm announcing right here, right now, that this week marks the start of something big: Rebirth Mondays.

I am pledging to post something new every Monday of every month, just for all of you happy readers. It may be at 1am, it may be at 9pm, but it will happen. The first time I miss a Monday, I will buy drinks for the first five people who hate-text (hext?) me.

Happy reading!


  1. Does it count if I don't "hext" but throw things at you from my desk instead?

  2. That works, too. I guess. Unless you're throwing peanut butter cookies.

    I'm into that.

  3. Haha I'll be checking tomorrow then!
