As can be seen, we were presented with a big project on Friday... for a tiny backyard, it has become an overgrown jungle of invasive plants! Without the help of friends and family, I don't think we could have made nearly as much progress as we have.
So this post (I'm sure the first of many...) is dedicated to all of YOU - the friends, family, and new neighbors who have helped so much along the way. I certainly don't have pictures of everyone, but know that your calls, emails, visits, ladders, hedge-clippers, recycling bins, and hours of cheap labor mean a lot.
Operation backyard begins...

...dining room detour...


...back at it...

...almost there...

...getting closer... (yard bags #24, 25, and 26...)

...ahhh, the earned victory parade through town.

Weekend warriors. Stay tuned over the next 12 months as this backyard morphs into an amazing patio / retreat.